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The private class


Movement is a constant regulating us and our mind tends to perceive moments as static images to be able to define them.

We live in a society that constantly demands us from us to give certainty in our responses, it is demanding from us a control which is not always real.

In the Alexander Technique class the teacher accompanies us through contact and words into daily activities like seating, standing, walking, lifitng our arms, lifting objects, bending over; guiding us in our aprecition of unnecesary tensions through each action. In this way we develop an observation of our own habitual patterns to different stimulus, generating tools to continue with the work in our daily activities.

For this it is recommended to start taking an amount of continued classes. The Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique recommends a minimum of 20 to 30 classes to be able to aquire and effective control over the new functioning of the body. But this will obviously depend on each person.

Private lessons have a duration of 45 minutes. It is necessary to use comfortable clothing and we generaly work without shoes.


I currently teach in Villa Crespo.

Private lessons in working spaces can be organized provided there is and addecuated area for this practice.


For further information and for organizing a class you can contact me at


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