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Based in the field of health education the Alexander Technique is practiced mainly through private lessons guided by a teacher trained at one of the worldwide schools recognized by the Alexander Technique Affiliated Societies (ATAS) or by the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique de Londres (STAT).


Beside the private lessons, there are other ways to aproach the technique for the first time, or to bring the work developed in the private class to other fields of exchange and challenge.


" The Alexander Technique is an educational method; a process that includes both a physical and mental reeducation and which final aim is to teach a technique about how to help ourselves. To learn the Alexander Technique implies to learn how to perceive better our body, and how to use it better, with greater efficacy and ease "


W. Carrington

"We must remember that to discuss or analize anything, the nature of language obliges us to talk in a fragmented way."


Marjory Barlow

integrating dance and the Alexander Technique

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